Empowering Ourselves and Others Through Effective Delegation

Although she’d been in management roles for several years, and was considered a strong and capable leader, Mary often found delegation to be both challenging and frustrating. “I know I’m coming across as a micro-manager sometimes, but it seems if I don’t spell it out step-by-step things just don’t get done”, she shared with her mentor Joan. “And, if I give people free rein to use their initiative I get results that look wonderful but are so far beyond the practical that I end up having to tell people “no”. I need everyone to be on their “A-game” these days, and it’s just not happening. Frankly, everyone in my division, from me on down, is getting frustrated and I’m starting to see people disengage. I’m worried and need some help.”

Joan nodded empathetically. “I understand the challenge. When we don’t delegate well, people either self-limit and wait to be told specifically what to do, or they go so far afield that we’re not able to accept their results. This is a shared responsibility, though. You don’t empower those who work for you. They empower themselves with your help.”

Have you found yourself in Mary’s shoes before? Leaders often struggle with finding the right balance regarding delegation. At the same time, employees struggle with how to step into empowerment and take on duties commensurate with their talents and capabilities. If you’re interested in learning a straightforward five-step model that addresses both these issues – a model you can apply immediately to increase your own and others’ effectiveness.