Kim Douglass

Kim Douglass

Deputy Director of Consulting

Kim has extensive experience in the public, corporate, and non-profit sectors, with top-level federal experience as Director of White House Management in the White House and later as a Deputy Chief of Staff at GSA. As a result, she is able to assist leaders at all levels with a variety of organizational transformation initiatives, and is skilled in organizational strategic planning, change management, succession management, workforce planning, human capital strategy, employee engagement, and consultative facilitation and coaching.

Working at high levels of government gave Kim a unique perspective on leadership and management, especially when it comes to crises. “When every day brings a new crisis and there are multiple priorities competing for attention and the political landscape is ever changing, it can feel overwhelming for even the most seasoned professionals,” she says. “But I learned that by keeping a level head, keeping things in perspective, and not losing your sense of humor, it’s easier to make order out of chaos and the right solution will become clear.”

Life Imitating Art

Kim cites a lesson she’s learned from artistic expression as being central to her professional outlook. “When I’m not solving consulting problems, my ‘side gig’ is art,” she says. “My philosophy is if you mess up or have a problem and you can’t erase it or redo it, then it’s just a chance to turn it into something else. No matter the situation, there’s always an opportunity for creativity.”

Kim Douglass in the Spotlight