Lorena Cohan

Lorena Cohan

Coaching Programs Coordinator

Lorena Cohan holds degrees from Emory University (International Studies) and Columbia University (International Affairs), as well as an Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University. She is an expert in leadership development, program development, training and coaching, and describes herself as a bicultural and bilingual “connector, convener, and collaborator.”

She believes the sum total of her experiences have led her to her current position, but says some of the best preparation she received was during her time at the World Bank. While there she worked within their Young Professionals Program, designing a leadership development curriculum for young, emerging leaders. Other duties at the World Bank gave her the opportunity to work closely with national and municipal government leaders in Latin America on urban development and violence prevention projects.

Studying What Makes Life Better

Lorena has also earned a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP), a discipline that examines and employs the tools and practices that enhance human flourishing and well-being. She describes her CAPP studies as “truly life changing,” and they spurred her to make a career change in her mid-40s that she had considered for most of her adult life.

Lorena Cohan in the Spotlight