Patrice French

Patrice French

Senior Consultant

Doctor French leverages her knowledge and expertise to help clients enhance individual leadership skills, improve teams, and increase organizational effectiveness. She earned her BS and MS in Social Work from Texas Christian University and the University of Michigan, respectively. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Human Resource Development from Texas A&M University. Dr. French possesses over a decade of exceptional qualifications and experience in training, facilitation, teaching, mediation, and program development. Prior to joining CI, she spent 14 years in higher education and nonprofit organizations, with specialties in multicultural education, student success, learning assessment, strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion, and qualitative and quantitative academic research.

Truth in Action

A lifelong learner who describes herself as “highly ambitious and driven” with “never-ending curiosity,” Dr. French cites a quote from author, distinguished professor, and cultural critic bell hooks as an important source of personal guidance: “”What we do is more important than what we say or what we say we believe.”

Patrice French in the Spotlight