Senior Partner

Mr. McCann is a graduate of the Coast Guard Academy and holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. During his 25 year Coast Guard career he served three tours as a commanding officer and was Chief of the Coast Guard Leadership Institute. McCann has been with CI for more than 15 years and leads a team of 50 employees in developing and presenting training programs. He is an expert public speaker, workshop developer, and leadership development trainer who has also been described as a "curmudgeon whisperer."

Leading Leaders

McCann’s particular focus is helping build effective leadership skills within the federal workforce, and some of his best preparation for that role came from his assignment at the Coast Guard Leadership Institute. "The experience enabled me to see that I could translate my personal leadership experience into lessons that others could learn from," he says. "Further, it helped me realize that everyone has leadership expertise and stories to draw from to help them become that much more effective."