Navigate the twists and turns of an ever-changing workplace. 

From thinking and advising on a course of action, to training on repeatable skills, to increasing the capacity to perform differently, we deliver our capabilities along the continuum of targeted guidance, solutions, and programs.

Our custom, targeted solutions and programs equip leaders with tools and techniques that enhance leadership skills, address workplace challenges, and transfer leadership competencies and skills across your entire enterprise.


Our team of organizational development consultants brings our deep experience and outside perspective to public sector and commercial organizations searching for solutions to their most pressing problems.



Our learning & development consultants support leaders and their teams with targeted and continuing learning programs to educate and equip your workforce. 



Our community of coaches, coaching services, and programs support leaders at all levels, helping organizations maximize the potential of their people—and the power of their performance.


Insights & resources to delineate your path

Succession: Transfer of a baton between two hands

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Succession Planning in Public Sector Organizations

Succession planning is essential for public sector organizations to ensure continuity, stability, and accountability in governance and service delivery.
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Hard makes it great: Climber about to reach a mountain top

The Hard is What Makes it Great

All leaders are faced at some point in their careers with the challenge of leading through organizational change, but only a few do it with the kind of competence, resilience and optimism that inspires others to follow.
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Remote Work: Virtual meeting - computer screen shows 4 individuals

Telework Makes Us Better Leaders

Here’s what most people don’t realize: a telework environment creates better leaders. Here’s why...
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Innovation: Stylized illustration of half a light bulb and half of a brain

Innovation in Public Service

The world moves too fast for leaders to consider maintaining the status quo. We must focus on leading positive change, and that requires innovation.
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This is truly an exceptional company to work with. They have superb customer service and know how to overcome difficult issues and situations.

[CI team member’s] institutional knowledge of FRB divisions, strategy, and their financial management cycle is indispensable.

[CI] was able to jump in with both feet and run a great offsite. It was equal parts connecting and deep thinking!


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