Discover new ways to shift, stretch, strive and see new perspective

Succession: Transfer of a baton between two hands

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Succession Planning in Public Sector Organizations

Succession planning is essential for public sector organizations to ensure continuity, stability, and accountability in governance and service delivery.
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Hard makes it great: Climber about to reach a mountain top

The Hard is What Makes it Great

All leaders are faced at some point in their careers with the challenge of leading through organizational change, but only a few do it with the kind of competence, resilience and optimism that inspires others to follow.
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Remote Work: Virtual meeting - computer screen shows 4 individuals

Telework Makes Us Better Leaders

Here’s what most people don’t realize: a telework environment creates better leaders. Here’s why...
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Innovation: Stylized illustration of half a light bulb and half of a brain

Innovation in Public Service

The world moves too fast for leaders to consider maintaining the status quo. We must focus on leading positive change, and that requires innovation.
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Workforce tools: Seven individuals participate in a informal meeting

Arming Your Workforce with the Knowledge and Tools to Prevent Sexual Harassment

Most workplaces are made up of good people, wanting to work in an atmosphere of mutual respect, in support of organizational success. So how can organizations equip their teams to create a positive workplace culture?
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Getting tasks done: Computer screen shows the sentence: "Do More"

Getting Tasks Done

With the intensity, quantity, and speed of information surrounding us today, having a sound system to manage and organize tasks is essential to effective time management.
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Blended Learning: Student and teacher look at a computer screen

An Integrated Approach to Blended Learning

One of the biggest challenges to the success of a blended learning program is that it be experienced as one program rather than multiple components.
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Effective delegation: One individual points to a computer screen as another observes

Empowering Ourselves and Others Through Effective Delegation

At the same time, employees struggle with how to step into empowerment and take on duties commensurate with their talents and capabilities.
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Meeting worth the time: Multiple workers at a meeting in a conference room

Make Your Meeting Worth the Time

The real issue is not how many meetings we have, but how many meetings are actually worth the time spent.
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Trends in employee engagement: Employees listening during a meeting

Trends in Employee Engagement

A couple months ago, while working with a top leadership team in the Federal Sector, I had an “ah ha” moment relating to how leaders view engagement. This occurred when feeding back data and helping leaders understand the concept of listening and empathizing.
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Telework: Woman works remotely by a window with a waterfront view

Maintaining – and Enhancing – Productivity in a Telework Environment

A good way to deal with uncertainty is to focus on what we’re able to control. One of the things within our control is how we manage our workplace, both as leaders and employees.
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Return to Work: Woman looks at her phone and laptop screen

It’s Not a “Return-to-Work”: Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

The phrase “return-to-work” is woefully inaccurate. Whatever the workplace looks like in 2022 and beyond, employees are not “returning-to-work”.
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Hybrid workplace: Woman working from home

Creating Success in the Hybrid Workplace

This new hybrid workplace requires supervisors and employees to be more intentional, proactive, flexible, and inclusive. It also requires a shift in thinking.
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Great resignation: Hands resting at a laptop keyboard

Redefining “The Great Resignation”

Employees across the country are leaving their jobs at historic levels. In fact, more than 4.5 million employees exited the workforce in November 2021.
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Two individuals working together at their laptops

Why giving feedback is really an act of caring and respect

Too often, we find ourselves looking at others as the source of our problems. It can be easy to accuse someone else of discourtesy or disrespect when, in fact, we are the source of the problem because we failed to raise an issue that was important to us.
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Coaching circles: team members in a coaching meeting

CI International’s Coaching Circles

Imagine having a safe space where you meet with peers to have honest, dynamic, and impactful conversations about the opportunities and challenges you face as a leader.
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Course catalog

With the right skills, passionate people can change their organizations–and even the world. We provide professional development programs that engage adult learners, elevate their skills, and help you and your team climb to the summit.

MileMarker 360

Our proprietary 360-degree assessment tool, Mile Marker 360, provides a necessary and effective starting point for learning and growth – serving as both a catalyst and a map for change.

See Every Facet

See Them Accurately

Know, So You Can Go

HCaTS is a Government-wide, Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (MA-IDIQ) task order contract vehicle for customized training and development, human capital strategy, and customized organizational performance improvement services. GSA and OPM partnered to deliver a “Best-in-Class” (BIC) procurement solution to provide the federal agencies with a reliable, flexible, fast, and efficient way to obtain best value solutions for complex human capital and training services. BIC contracts are recognized as being “good-for-government” purchasing solutions which uses data-driven strategies to change buying and consumption behavior.

KSA 1- Customized Training and Development Services

  • Technical skills and knowledge training
  • General skills and knowledge training and development
  • Leadership, management, and supervisory training and development
  • Training program management support
  • All modes of delivery: classroom-based, web-based, mobile platforms, and blended solutions

KSA 2 - Customized human capital strategy services

  • Talent management
  • Performance management
  • Workforce planning and succession planning
  • Diversity and work–life programs
  • Knowledge and competency management
  • HR systems design and consultation
  • Branding, recruitment, staffing, communications, and outreach strategies
  • Employee engagement
  • Program implementation support

KSA 3 - organizational performance

  • Change management
  • Strategic planning and alignment
  • Organizational assessment and transformation
  • Business process reengineering
  • Data analytics for data-driven performance reviews

Contract Features

Features Category Features Details
  • Available to all government agencies
  • Reduce contract duplication and administrative costs
  • Streamlined ordering procedures
  • Allows Commercial or Non-commercial procedures
  • Ensures the Government obtains the best value at the best overall price
  • Allows for Classified or Non-classified Services
  • Allows for Ancillary Services and Other Direct Costs (ODC)
  • No protest for in-scope Task Order under $10 million
Labor Categories 21 labor categories with four level of expertise: Junior, Journeyman, Senior, SME
Contract Types at the Task Order Level
  • Firm Fixed Price
  • Time and Materials
  • Cost Reimbursement
  • Incentive
  • Period of Performance
Period of Performance
  • Contract Base Period: Nov 10, 2016 – Nov 9, 2021
  • 5-Year Option Period: Nov 10, 2021 – Nov 9, 2026
  • 6-Month Extension: Nov 10, 2021 – May 8, 2027
  • Task Orders may extend up to five years and six months after the HCaTS SB ordering period expires – through November 9, 2032.
Procurement Options
  • Direct Acquisition: GSA issues a Delegation of Procurement Authority to the customer agency Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO), who performs the acquisition; or
  • Assisted Acquisition: OPM performs the acquisition on behalf of the customer agency and provides post-award support, as negotiated with the customer. An Inter-Agency Agreement is required.
HCaTS PMO Website
Key Personnel Contact Information Corporate HCaTS Program Manager (CHPM)
Robb Heaton
Direct Phone: 303-356-0000
DUNS Number 825487234
CI Email

Our clients include a wide array of federal departments and agencies in nearly every sector of government. But we’re no strangers to state and municipal governments.
A few of our clients:

  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Census Bureau
  • Centers For Disease Control
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
  • New York Administration for Children
  • New York City Housing Authority


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